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Learn what do accountants do?

 We'll talk about what do accountants do and tasks performed by the accountant, but 
before we talk about them, we have to talk about "Accounting".
Accounting is as same as any other career, It's such as medicine and Engineering, It has its role.
what do accountants do

what do accountants do? Or tasks accountants.

-Coordinating with the outsider auditors, facilitating their task for checking and preparing the general budget of the mother company, and the budget of the unified group as well.

-Studying the positions of subordinate companies according to the manager's request and under the power of the mother company to:
Evaluate its financial position.                                  *
Discuss any suggestions related to long-term loans. *
   *Giving the recommendations to the general manager.

-Keeping touch with the financial foundations and banks to assure the needed finance to the mother or subordinate companies to support their process and financial positions.

-Presenting suggestions related to managing and transporting money between the subordinate companies" as needed" to:
                 *Develop co-operation between them.
                 *Present these recommendations to the general manager to.  
                  discuss with the administration council
                  *Follow the needed procedures to perform them.

-Taking part in the discussions of sessions and committees that are being held and related to the suggested projects financing methods, coordinating with the other companies that are common in these projects, and agreeing on the details of the contribution, and the system of paying the stocks value.

-The permanent coordination with the company's insider and outsider auditors, discussing them about the followed accounting procedures, and answering any enquiry about accounting, stable documents, or the followed politics in recording different accounting process.

-Sharing the head of the central accounting department in doing processes that collect and unify both the mother and the subordinate company's accounts, preparing reports, and giving them to the manager of the financial affairs to revise and approve them.   

-Meeting the other departments' chiefs in the financial affairs circle in order to discuss the coordination and co-operation to develop the planning efficiency and the financial observation on every level of the company.

This is everything about "what do accountants do".

 what do accountants do

1 التعليقات:

  1. Accountants have great responsibilities really. They should have perfect knowledge of these things. accounting services should be something reliable and flexible. Experience and the dynamic knowledge is the key
